
Joginpally B.R. Pharmacy College (JBCP) was Established in the year of 2007, under the management of JBR Educational Society, a prominent trust committed to imparting quality Education.

JBCP is approved by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), (Ministry of Human Resources, Government of India) and Pharmacy Council of India (PCI). The college is affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH), AP, India The college is situated in a serene locality well connected with adequate transport facility to different parts of the city. The college has a well designed building equipped with laboratories, classrooms, and seminar halls built to meet AICTE and PCI regulations.

The college has well-experienced learned and skilled professors, Associate professors, Assistant Professors and lecturers spearheaded by the Principal, Dr.J.V.C .Sharma, who is having 30 years of experience worked in various pharmacy college in India & Abroad and involved in the development of health care systems. The college library is spacious with several thousands of reference books and journals, national and international, related to pharmacy and allied fields and Digital library with Internet connection.

At present the college offers four years B.Pharm course with annual intake of 120 students and two years M.Pharm course in two specializations namely Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Analysis & Quality Assurance with an intake of 24 students in each branch with so much to offer, it is only natural that students of JBCP get a unique opportunity to carve a niche for themselves in their chosen field of study that enables them to become well-rounded and discerning citizens, fully qualified for their chosen professions in the workplace.

Faculty List


Dr. JVC Sharma

M.Pharm., Ph.D

Ph.D from JNTU,Hyderabad
Department of Phamacognosy


Dr. CH B Praveena Devi

M.Pharm., Ph.D.

Ph.D from ANU, Guntur
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Dr. Shyamala

M.Pharm., Ph.D.

Ph.D from OU, Hyderabad
Department of Pharmceutical Anlaysis

Dr. V Mohan Goud

M.Pharm., Ph.D

Ph.D from JNTU,Hyderabad
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Dr. B Maheshwari Reddy

M.Pharm., Ph.D

Ph.D Annalmalai University, Chennai
Department of Pharmacology

Dr. Shanthi Sagar

M.Pharm., Ph.D

Ph.D from GITAM University,Visakapatnam
Department of Pharmaceutics

Associate Professors


M.Pharm (Ph.D)

M.Pharm from RGUHS - Bengaluru
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmacology

P Sirisha


M. Pharm from JNTU,Hyderabad
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmceutical Analysis

G. Lakshmi Devi

M.Pharm (Ph.D)

M. Pharm from ANU, Guntur
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmaceutics

BN Laxmi Devi


M.Pharm from RGUHS - Bengaluru
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

V Lalini

M. Sc

M.Sc Maths from ANU, Guntur
Associate Professor
Department of Science & Humanities



M. Pharm from JNTU,Hyderabad
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmaceutics

B Chaitanya


M.Pharm from OU, Hyderabad
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmaceutics


M.Pharm (Ph.D)

M. Pharm from JNTU,Hyderabad
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmacology

Saba Shafeen


M.pharm from JNTU- Ananthapuramu, AP
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmacology

K Maheshwari


M. Pharm from JNTU,Hyderabad
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmaceutics

V Parimala


M.Pharm from JNTU - Kakinada
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmaceutics

G. Jemimah

M.Pharm (Ph.D)

M.Pharm from OU, Hyderabad
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmacology

SK Sushma Taj


M.Pharm from S.V. University, Tirupati
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmaceutics

I Mamatha


M.Pharm from OU, Hyderabad
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

A Swarupa

M.Pharm (Ph.D)

M.Pharm from RGUHS - Bengaluru
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmaceutics

M Sriswetha

Pharm D

Pharm D from Vinayaka Missions University
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmacy practice

Assistant Professors


Pharm D

Pharm D from AU, Vishakapatnam
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacy practice

Asma Bader


M. Pharm from JNTU,Hyderabad
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacology

K Rohitha


M.Pharm from OU, Hyderabad
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Pragathi Reddy

Pharm D (Ph.D)

M.Pharm from OU, Hyderabad
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacy practice

P Aruna


M.pharm from jntu-Kakinada
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmceutical Anlaysis



M.pharm from JNTU -kakinada
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmceutical Anlaysis

MS Parimala


M.Pharm -JNTU- Hyderabad
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmaceutics



M. Pharm from JNTU,Hyderabad
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmaceutics

Jadhav Shivani


M. Pharm from JNTU,Hyderabad
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmaceutics


Pharm D

Pharm. D, from NITTE University, Karnataka
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacy practice

S Ramya


M. Pharm From RGUHS- Bangalore
Assistant Professor
Department of Phamacognosy

Y Manasa

Assistant Professor

Physical Director
From Andhra university

Professional Bodies

Will be updated soon…


Will be updated soon…

Research and Development

Will be updated soon…


Faculty Publications for Academic year 2010-12:

Sl. No. Title Corresponding Author Journal name Year
1. Effect of binders, lubricants and fillers on drug release from Diltiazem Hydrochloride bi-layered matrix tablets obtained by direct compression and granulation technique Nagaraju.Potnuri International Journals of Pharmacy 2012
2. Design and evaluation of Diltiazem hydrochloride matrix tablets by using gum olibanum Nagaraju.Potnuri Scholars Research library 2011
3. A facile synthesis of flavone derivatives used as potent anti-inflammatory agents Gupta Atyam VSSS International Journal of Pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences 2011
4. Screening of Madhuca indica for Antidiabetic activity in Streptozotocin-Nicotinamide induced Diabetic rats Gupta Atyam VSSS International Journal of Pharmatech research 2011
5. Synthesis, antimicrobial6and pharmacological evaluation of substituted novel benzimidazoles V. Mohan Goud Scholars Research library 2011
6. In-vitro anti cancer activity of aqueous extracts of Tridaxprocumbens leaf on PC3 cell lines Vishnupriya P International Journal of Pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences 2011
7. Evaluation of In-vitro free radical scavenging activity of different organic extracts of Parthenium Hysterophorus leaves Vishnupriya P International Journal of Pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences 2011
8. Invitro cytotoxic activity of methanol and acetone extracts of Parthenium hysterophorus flower on A549 cell lines Vishnupriya P International Journal of pharmaceutical sciences review and research 2011
9. Evaluation of Anti-cancer activity of Tridax procumbens flower extracts on pc 3 cell lines Vishnupriya P International Journal of advance in pharmaceutical sciences 2011
10. Synthesis, Characterization, and biological evolution of Benzimidazole Derivatives as potential Anxiolytics Gupta Atyam VSSS J Young Pharm 2010
11. Synthesis, Characterization, and antimicrobial evaluation of 6-substituted 2-Aryl-1-Arylmethyl-H-1, 3-Benzimidazole Derivatives Gupta Atyam VSSS Journal of pharmacy research 2010
12. Antidiabetic activity of seeds of abrus precatorius in Streptozotocin & Nicotinamide induced Diabetic Rats Gupta Atyam VSSS Pharmacologyonline 2010
13. Antidiabetic and Hypoglycemic activity of Momordica Cymbalaria Gupta Atyam VSSS International Journal of Pharma world research 2010
14. A Review on structure Based Drug Design of protein Tyrosine Phosphate 1 B Inhibitors for Target for obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Gupta Atyam VSSS Journal of pharmacy research 2010
15. Design, synthesis and chemical characterization of novel coumarin compounds and evaluation of their biological activity V. Mohan Goud International Journal of Pharma world research 2010

Faculty achievements for academic year 2010-2012:

Sl. No. Name of the faculty Name of the Examination Certifying Authority Year
1. VSSS Gupta Atyam FET JNYUH 2010
2. R. Chinna Lalaiah FET JNYUH 2010
3. Pittu Vishnu Priya FET JNYUH 2011
4. Lalini Velaga FET JNYUH 2011

Faculty registered for PhD in academic year 2009-2012:

Sl. No. Name of the faculty Achievement Certifying Authority Year
1. V. Mohan Goud External Ph.D JNTUH 2009
2. R. Chinnalalaiah External Ph.D JNTUH 2010
3. P. Vishnu Priya External Ph.D JNTUH 2010

Students Achievements:

Will be updated soon…

Workshops & Seminars

Sl. No. Name of the faculty Name of the workshops attended Certifying Authority Date, Month & Year
1. Dr. Pavani A. Biomaterials And Tissue Engineering Department Of Biotechnology, IIT, Madras 06-10-2012 to 10-02-12
2. R. China Lalaiah Faculty development program J.B.I.E.T, Hyd. 13-01-12
3. P. Vishnu Priya Faculty development program J.B.I.E.T, Hyd. 13-01-12
4. N. Divya Faculty development program J.B.I.E.T, Hyd. 13-01-12
5. N. Shravan Kumar Faculty development program J.B.I.E.T, Hyd. 13-01-12